The Guys
By Layla London | December 3, 2016
“Burner” is tall (6’1), good looking, mid thirties, brown hair, blue eyes. I initially found him attractive but really got interested the more we talked. He’s got a calm energy but I really liked all his sexual experience. He’s been adventurous and that is appealing to me. I’m really looking for someone to knock my sox…
By Layla London | December 3, 2016
Whiskey is 5’10, amazing shape(I mean just ripped!), late thirties, sandy brown hair, brown eyes, very, very big cock. This guy is cool. He just comes right out of the gate acting normal, like we’ve been friends forever. I’m super comfortable with him and love all the hot sexting and phone calls we have before…
By Layla London | December 3, 2016
Clark is a delicious specimen of a man and my “physically perfect type”. He’s early forties, 6’5 (makes me wet just typing it), brown hair, brown eyes, perfectly chiseled body, nice thick cock. I have a strong chemical draw to this guy and he’s also very humble and kind. It’s hard to believe this man is…
By Layla London | December 3, 2016
HJ is hot, hot sizzling hot! He looks like a movie star, early 40’s, amazing body, 6’1, dark hair, brown eyes, really nice cock, sexy tattoos (not too many or over done). This guy stops me in my tracks! Not only is he sexy as hell, his voice is so familiar to me, I want…
By Layla London | December 3, 2016
Titanic is in a category of his own, trouble with a capitol T! Very handsome, early forties, 6’0 feet tall, salt and pepper hair, brown eyes, great body, really nice cock. The minute I saw this guy I was turned on. The texting and the conversations were so quick witted, hot sexy banter…. I wanted…
By Layla London | December 3, 2016
YW (young whippersnapper) is early thirties, said he is 5’11 (but I’m taller than him so he’s not), and in decent shape. I really don’t want guys this young but I do tend weigh in heavy on the personality. We have several long phone calls and text exchanges and the way he talks about sex, and this…
By Layla London | December 6, 2016
TJ is 31 years old, 6’1, brown hair, blue eyes, gorgeous athletic body. He does yoga like me which is an incredible turn on. Not a thin funky yogi but a hot well built stud! He’s super sweet and despite thinking I don’t want a younger guy he wins me over.
By Layla London | February 14, 2017
Tall 6’1 Canadian with dark hair and steel blue eyes. Super cute!! He’s 31 married but him and his wife have an open relationship. I love talking to him about this and he’s a very interesting guy. He’s a great flirt and this guy really gets me excited!
Cowboy N
By Layla London | February 15, 2017
Cowboy N is a tall drink of water just like I like em! A southern hottie that’s 6’6′. This 29 year old cowboy is the real deal. One of the most interesting people I’ve met in a long time. Dark hair, blue eyes aggressive and manly…….. makes my panties wet thinking about him.
By Layla London | April 12, 2017
I really like this guy! When I first met with him I couldn’t wait to see him again. I clicked with him right away on a personal level as well as having a strong sexual chemistry! He’s 6’2, amazing cut body, striking good looks; he’s half Chinese and half Italian….. it’s gorgeous combo. This guy…
By Layla London | April 14, 2017
I got really lucky to have stumbled upon Quinoa as I’m calling him. Tall, 6’2, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, and he’s another young buck……. 29!! Oh my goodness, I hope he turns 30 soon so I can stop feeling so “Mrs. Robinsonish”!! He’s a total hottie with a great body, great mind, fun to…
By Layla London | July 11, 2017
Well what can I say about D………….. truly an amazing guy. Strikingly handsome, 6’3, great body, intelligent, gorgeous smile. A gentleman through and through. The kind of sexy sophistication you cannot resist! And, I know I shouldn’t say it, but the biggest thickest cock I have ever had!